The Sun's Search for the Moon

A Machinima Series built in ‘Thursday’s Fictions in Second Life’,
drawing on and building out from the original stage production,
book and film of ‘Thursday’s Fictions’.

Series Creators: Richard James Allen and Karen Pearlman.

Episode 1

May Lloyd
Richard James Allen

Cast –
Voice Actors (in order of appearance)
Wednesday – Richard James Allen
Saturday – May Lloyd

Gary Hayes
Richard James Allen

Story Consultant
Jacqueline Turnure

Machinimatographer and Production Designer
Gary Hayes

Dialogue Recordists
Roger Middenway
Andrew Miller

Karen Pearlman

Music (from the original film Thursday’s Fictions)
Michael Yezerski

Sound Designer
Andrew Plain

FX Editor
Megan Wedge

Richard James Allen and Karen Pearlman

Richard James Allen

Special Thanks
Mark Ward, Peter Giles, Lani Tupu, Adrian Norman,
Sam Allen, Jaz Allen, Jocelyn Allen

Episode 2

Lani Tupu
Richard James Allen
May Lloyd

Cast –
Voice Actors (in order of appearance)
Wednesday – Richard James Allen
Blue God – Lani Tupu
Saturday – May Lloyd

Gary Hayes
Richard James Allen
Karen Pearlman

Story Consultant
Jacqueline Turnure

Machinimatographer and Production Designer
Gary Hayes

Dialogue Recordists
Roger Middenway
Andrew Miller

Karen Pearlman

Music (from the original film Thursday’s Fictions)
Michael Yezerski

Sound Designer
Andrew Plain

FX Editor
Megan Wedge

Richard James Allen and Karen Pearlman

Richard James Allen

Special Thanks
Mark Ward, Peter Giles, Lani Tupu, May Lloyd, Adrian Norman,
Sam Allen, Jaz Allen, Jocelyn Allen

A Physical TV Company Production
with support from AFTRS
The Australian Film Television and Radio School

Copyright © 2007 and 2008 The Physical TV Company Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.